Tournament Scenarios

The aim is for each scenario to be balanced on scoring with each other, so that every scenario can score:

Round 1

Bluff Scenario: Fools Gold

This scenario use 8 buff counters (each player has one 2, one 1 and two 0's) and an Objective Marker

The Objective Marker is placed in the exact centre of the board (or as close to it along the centre line as possible).

After rolling off to choose sides, roll off to see who places the first Bluff Counter. The players take it in turns to place one Bluff Counter of their choice (marked side down) fully on their opponent's half of the board, following the same placement restrictions as Objective Markers.

At the end of Round 3, all bluff Counters are flipped to reveal their value. Bluff counters are treated as Objective Markers from this point on.

VP at end of game

Bluff Counter marked with a 0 are not worth any VP.

Round 2

Objective Scenario: Salt The Earth

No change to scenario from the book

Before rolling off to choose sides, place one Objective Marker in the exact centre of the board and then the players take it in turns placing Objective Markers until both players have each placed three Objective Markers. Roll off to see who places the first Objective.

After a player has completed their Turn, they can choose to destroy any Objective Markers which they control (except for the Central Objective). Repeat this process at the end of each of the player’s Turns until the end of the game. Destroyed Objective Markers are removed from play and have no influence on the rest of the game.

Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows:

Round 3

Token Scenario: Stockpile

Before rolling off to choose sides, place 3 (1 for smaller games) piles of Loot Counters on the centre line of the board. 

One pile of 3 (1 for smaller games) Loot Counters must be placed in the exact centre of the board (or as close to it along the centre line as possible), and then players place one more pile of 2 Loot Counters each along the centre line, rolling off to see who places theirs first. 

Loot Counter Piles cannot be placed within 12" of each other or within 3" of Blocking Terrain.

There will now be 7 (5 for smaller games) Loot Counters on the table, a Centre pile of 3 (1 for smaller games) Loot Counters and two piles of 2 Loot Counters each.

A Unit can only pick up one Loot Counter from each pile per turn (so centre Loot Counters would take 3 turns to pick them all up).

Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows:

Round 4

Token Scenario: Plunder

No change to scenario from the book

Before rolling off to choose sides, place 5 Loot Counters on the centre line of the board.  One must be placed in the exact centre of the board (or as close to it along the centre line as possible).  The remaining four Counters are then placed along the centre line 12" away from each other (or as close to this distance as possible).  After choosing sides, starting with the player who chose their side first, each player nominates a (different) Loot Counter which will be worth 2 Victory Points.  These two counters are referred to as Primary Loot Counters.

Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows:

Round 5

Area Scenario: Hold the Line

The middle 12" (6" from each side from centre line scores)

At the end of the game, divide the board into three 2'x1' rectangles straddling the centre line (6" from each side from centre line).

The middle 12" (6" from each side from centre line scores).

Add up the total Unit Strength of each player's units within a rectangle.  If a unit is straddling the line between two rectangles it is considered to be in whichever rectangle is covered by the majority of its base.  If there is no clear majority, the owning player must choose which rectangle the unit is in.

The player who has the highest Unit Strength in each rectangle controls it.

Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows: