Kings of Herts & Shroud of the Reaper Scoring System

To do well under the Kings of Herts Scoring System:


Tournament Points

You are awarded 5 points for a win, 3 for a draw and 1 for a loss.

These were chosen so that two draws is equivalent to a win and a loss.


Shroud of the Reaper worked with King of Herts to balance each of the scenarios so that the following deciders are fair and can be used to separate ties.

Different tournaments can use these deciders in the order they wish

Typically it would be:

Led by Scenario points:

Led by Kill points:

Led by Strength of Schedule:

And further decider ordering variations.

Scenario Points Leveling

We choose and adapt scenarios to limit the available to equivalent amounts for each mission, in general 7 VP total available VP, with the highest losing VP of 3.

If you see a mission where we have modified VPs, this is why.

See Balanced Scenarios for further info

Battle Results


If a player concedes a game that is an automatic win for the opponent and all the players units are automatically routed from the game, as if killed by the opponent.

The Opponent will then play the Ringer and his score calculated from that.

If Ringer not available, or game has already started, Scenario points will be calculated for the winner only, using the remaining turns for positioning.

Reporting Battle Results

As noted previously, players will be given enough time to play a full game of Kings of War and enough time to hand in results.

Submitting Results

By the end deadline of each round, as detailed on the Round Pairings page, every player is to submit the results of their game to the TOs, using the form on the Results Submission page of this site.

Having both players results from a game enables the TOs to verify the information provide and raise any queries before the next round pairings are determined.

We will need from you is the following to be completed on the provided sheet.



In order to ensure that the tournament runs smoothly, TP penalties (2 points) may be given to players that report battle results after the scheduled time is over, at the tournament organiser’s discretion. This penalty will always affect both players.

Winning the Tournament

The winner is determined at the end of the last game (game 4), according to the following criteria:

Example of results