Bluff Scenarios
Fool's Gold
Source: 3rd Edition
This scenario use 8 buff counters (each player has one 2, one 1 and two 0's) and an Objective Marker
The Objective Marker is placed in the exact centre of the board (or as close to it along the centre line as possible).
After rolling off to choose sides, roll off to see who places the first Bluff Counter. The players take it in turns to place one Bluff Counter of their choice (marked side down) fully on their opponent's half of the board, following the same placement restrictions as Objective Markers.
At the end of Round 3, all bluff Counters are flipped to reveal their value. Bluff counters are treated as Objective Markers from this point on.
VP at end of game
1VP for the centre Objective Marker that you control
1VP for each Bluff Counter marked with a 1 that you control
2VP for each Bluff Counter marked with a 2 that you control
Bluff Counter marked with a 0 are not worth any VP.
Everybody's Fool
Source: Shroud of the Reaper
This scenario use 10 buff counters (each player has one 2, two 1's and two 0's) and an Objective Marker
The Objective Marker is placed in the exact centre of the board (or as close to it along the centre line as possible).
After rolling off to choose sides, roll off to see who places the first Bluff Counter. The players take it in turns to place one Bluff Counter of their choice (marked side down) fully on their opponent's half of the board, following the same placement restrictions as Objective Markers.
At the end of the game, all bluff Counters are flipped to reveal their value. Bluff counters are treated as Objective Markers from this point on.
VP at end of game
1VP for each Bluff Counter marked with a 1 that you control
2VP for each Bluff Counter marked with a 2 that you control
Bluff Counter marked with a 0 are not worth any VP.
Total the Scenario Victory Points for both Players
If the Total Scenario Victory Points is less than or equal to 7SVP together, then Score as per the Victory Points, else
If the Total Scenario Victory Points is greater than 7SVP together and If result was a Draw then both players earn 3VP each, else
If the Total Scenario Victory Points is greater than 7SVP together and If result was not a Draw, but loser got 0VP, then Winner gets 7VP and Lose gets 0VP, else
If the Total Scenario Victory Points is greater than 7SVP together and If result was a not a Draw then calculate the Winner VP minus Loser VP to get the difference in VP
If there is a difference of 1 or 2 SVP then Winner gets 4VP and Loser gets 3VP
If there is a difference of 3 or 4 SVP then Winner gets 5VP and Loser gets 2VP
If there is a difference of 5 SVP or more then Winner gets 6VP and Loser gets 1VP
For smaller games on 4x4 or 3x3 tables, the balancing score is 5
Total the Scenario Victory Points for both Players
If the Total Scenario Victory Points is less than or equal to 5SVP together, then Score as per the Victory Points, else
If the Total Scenario Victory Points is greater than 5SVP together and If result was a Draw then both players earn 2VP each, else
If the Total Scenario Victory Points is greater than 5SVP together and If result was not a Draw, but loser got 0VP, then Winner gets 5VP and Lose gets 0VP, else
If the Total Scenario Victory Points is greater than 5SVP together and If result was a not a Draw then calculate the Winner VP minus Loser VP to get the difference in VP
If there is a difference of 1 or 2 SVP then Winner gets 3VP and Loser gets 2VP
If there is a difference of 3 SVP or more then Winner gets 4VP and Loser gets 1VP
Smoke & Mirrors
Source: 3rd Edition
This scenario use 8 buff counters (each player has one 2, one 1 and two 0's) and an Objective Marker
The Objective Marker is placed in the exact centre of the board (or as close to it along the centre line as possible).
After rolling off to choose sides, roll off to see who places the first Bluff Counter. The players take it in turns to place one Bluff Counter of their choice (marked sie down) fully on their opponent's half of the board, following the same placement restrictions as Objective Markers.
At the end of Round 2 and then after each Round, each player must flip one Bluff Counter on their side of the board, rolling off to decide who flips first. Repeat this process each turn unitl all Bluff Counters are flipped and revealed.
VP at end of game
1VP for the centre Objective Marker that you control
1VP for each Bluff Counter marked with a 1 that you control
2VP for each Bluff Counter marked with a 2 that you control
Bluff Counter marked with a 0 are not worth any VP.
Barren or Fertile lands
Source: Shroud of the Reaper
This scenario use 8 (10 for larger games) buff counters (each player has one 2, one 1 and two 0's) and a Loot Counter
The Loot Counter is placed in the exact centre of the board (or as close to it along the centre line as possible).
After rolling off to choose sides, roll off to see who places the first Bluff Counter. The players take it in turns to place one Bluff Counter of their choice (marked side down) fully on their opponent's half of the board, following the same placement restrictions as Objective Markers.
The Bluff Counters are treated as Loot Counters.
When a Player Picks up a Bluff Loot Counter, the value of it is then revealed to both players.
Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows:
1 Victory Point for the centre Loot Counter that you hold
1 Victory Point for each Bluff Counter marked with a 1 that you hold
2 Victory Points for each Bluff Counter marked with a 2 that you hold
Bluff Counter marked with a 0 are not worth any VP.