Dicing with Death - 2018
Tournament: Dicing with Death - 2018 - The Reaper
Death is inevitable, and therefore, The Reaper is not represented as purely evil. Death is not choosing a time, place or years. The Reapers job is to escort the dead to the underworld. The Reaper pulls the souls out of the body, and guides them through the journey of the afterlife.
The angel of death appears to the dying to take out their souls. The sinners' souls are extracted in a most painful way while the righteous are treated easily.
The Reapers appearance depends on the person's deed and actions, with those that did good seeing a beautiful being, and those that did wrong seeing a horrific monster. The Reaper has taken many forms including: A bearded and winged man; a young boy, a spectral figure portending death, a tall, haggard figure with a wide hat and long white hair, a skeleton with a revolving head who sees everyone, everywhere, a defleshed body and with jaw agape to swallow the stars during the day, an old woman or plague hag. The Reaper has been seen by different races in either a Black or a White robe.