Objective Scenarios

Salt The Earth

Source: 3rd Edition

No change to scenario from the book

Before rolling off to choose sides, place one Objective Marker in the exact centre of the board and then the players take it in turns placing Objective Markers until both players have each placed three Objective Markers. Roll off to see who places the first Objective.

After a player has completed their Turn, they can choose to destroy any Objective Markers which they control (except for the Central Objective). Repeat this process at the end of each of the player’s Turns until the end of the game. Destroyed Objective Markers are removed from play and have no influence on the rest of the game.

Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows:


Source: 3rd Edition

Before rolling off to choose sides:

Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows:

Protect and Raze

Source: Shroud of the Reaper

After rolling off to choose sides, place one Objective Marker in the exact centre of the board. The players then place three (2  for smaller games)  more Objective markers 6" from the centre line on their opponent's half of the board, rolling off to see who places theirs first. Take it in turns until all the Objective Markers have been placed.

You cannot remove the Central Objective, or Objective Markers on your own side of the table.

VP can be accumulated from Round two onward and are as follows:


Source: Clash of Kings 2019

After choosing sides, place one Objective Marker in the exact centre of the board.  Then the players each place an Objective Marker completely within 6" of the centre line, starting with the player who chose sides.  These three Objective Markers are the Secondary Objectives.

Next, the players place another Objective Marker on their opponent's half of the board at least 6" from any board edge and 9" from the centre line.  These are the Primary Objectives.

Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows:

      • 1 Victory Point for each Secondary Objective you control.

      • 2 Victory Points for each Primary Objective you control.


Source: Clash of Kings 2019

Place one Objective marker worth 1 Victory Point in the exact centre of the board.

Instead of rolling for the number of objectives to place, each player has the following fixed number of objectives:

Roll off and take it in turns to place these Objective Markers as per the normal restrictions, making sure to clearly mark, as well as declare, the value of each Marker as you place it.

Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows:

Add up the total Victory Points and round down any remaining fractions.


Source: Clash of Kings 2019

Place one Objective Marker in the centre of the table.  Then each player places one more Objective Marker on the centre line, rolling off to see who places theirs first.

At the start of each player's turn, if they control one of the Objective Markers they may choose one of their non-wavering units controlling the objective to scavenge a Loot Counter.  The unit receives a Loot counter and follows the normal rules for carrying Loot as per the Loot scenario.  In this scenario, units may not carry more than one Loot Counter.

If a unit Routs an enemy unit that is carrying Loot in melee, they may elect to destroy the Loot and remove it from the table rather than picking it up.

Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows:

Total the Scenario Victory Points for both Players

For smaller games on 4x4 or 3x3 tables, the balancing score is 5

Total the Scenario Victory Points for both Players

Secure the Field

Source: Clash of Kings 2018

After choosing sides, both players choose a piece of terrain, starting with the player who lost the roll to choose sides.  The chosen terrain piece must be entirely within their opponent's half of the table and at least 12" away from their opponent's chosen terrain piece.  

At end of game, add up the Unit Strength of all your units that are within 3" of your chosen terrain piece on the opponents half of the table.

Your opponent does the same and you compare scores

Calculate Scoring Unit Strength for each player and add together this is the Scenario Victory Points

Total the Scenario Victory Points for both Players

For smaller games on 4x4 or 3x3 tables, the balancing score is 5

Total the Scenario Victory Points for both Players

Take and Hold

Source: Clash of Kings 2018

After rolling off to choose sides, place one Objective Marker in the centre of the table.  The players take it in turns to place one objective each, and roll off to see who places the first objective.  Objectives can only be placed on the opposing player's half of the board.

Victory Points can be accumulated from turn three onwards and are awarded as follows:

Total the Scenario Victory Points for both Players

For smaller games on 4x4 or 3x3 tables, the balancing score is 5

Total the Scenario Victory Points for both Players

Take the high-ground

Source: Shroud of the Reaper

After rolling off to choose sides, place one Objective Marker in the centre of the table. 

The players take it in turns to place three more objective each, and roll off to see who places the first objective.  Objectives can only be placed on the opposing player's half of the board but more than 6” from the centre line.

Each player places 3 objectives in their opponent’s half of the board Objectives must be at least 12” apart. Objectives in your opponents half of the table are worth 2 VP’s. Objectives in your half of the table are worth 1 VP.

Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows:

Total the Scenario Victory Points for both Players

For smaller games on 4x4 or 3x3 tables, the balancing score is 5

Total the Scenario Victory Points for both Players

Protect the Land

Source: Shroud of the Reaper

In this scenario, one force is attempting to protect the forest, while the other force want to cut down as many trees as possible to build their war machines. For this battle, terrain can be held in the same way as Objective Markers.

This scenario is heavily dependent upon terrain. The terrain does not have to be symmetrical but try to ensure that one player is not massively penalised by not having any pieces of difficult or impassable terrain entirely on their opponent’s half of the board.

Recommended at least:

Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows:

Total the Scenario Victory Points for both Players

For smaller games on 4x4 or 3x3 tables, the balancing score is 5

Total the Scenario Victory Points for both Players

High Five

Source: Shroud of the Reaper

After rolling off to choose sides:

Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows:

Compass Points

Source: Shroud of the Reaper

Place 2 objective markers 12" from the table edge along the centre line. Each Score 1VP for controlling it

Place 2 objective markers 9" from Centre line from the exact centre of the board

Victory Points are awarded at the end of the game as follows: